Do you take risks with your credit card details? Each time you read them aloud over the phone or give your card to a waiter in a restaurant you could be at risk even though most of us feel comfortable doing it. Using your credit card over the Internet is now considered safer. We use the latest encryption technology (SSL, or Secure Socket Layer) to protect your credit/debit card details and all your personal information.
- Cover.Net Ltd is registered with Verisign. Their logo shows you that we are who we say we are.
- If you are concerned about security on the Internet, please call us. You can complete your purchase on the telephone without the need to give your credit card details on the Internet.
Just call the Cover.Net Help desk on 028 7028 0044 or Fax 028 7032 5105
Data protection: The information you provide to Cover.Net Ltd will be passed on to our agent and to the relevant insurance company so that they can provide you with insurance cover.
Cover.Net Ltd and the relevant insurer/intermediaries may from time to time notify you of any further products and services which they offer.